Professional ethics form the bedrock of practice within any profession, and in the realm of pharmacy, these ethical principles are paramount. The Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia (PAFI) embodies these values, guiding its members to adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct. This article explores the fundamental aspects of professional ethics within PAFI, detailing their significance, application, and impact on the pharmaceutical profession in Indonesia.

The Significance of Professional Ethics

Professional ethics in pharmacy encompass a set of principles and standards that govern the conduct of pharmacists and pharmacy professionals. For the Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia, these ethics are not merely guidelines but integral components that influence every aspect of practice. They ensure that members act with integrity, responsibility, and respect towards patients, colleagues, and the public.

  1. Trust and Integrity: The cornerstone of professional ethics is trust. Pharmacists must uphold honesty and integrity in their interactions, ensuring that they
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In the pursuit of global health equity, the concept of “Health for All” stands as a guiding principle, advocating for the universal right to access essential healthcare services and promoting holistic well-being for individuals and communities worldwide. Embracing this vision requires a concerted effort to address the multifaceted determinants of health, ranging from social, economic, and environmental factors to the delivery of quality healthcare services. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and advocacy, the quest for Health for All aims to create a world where everyone can attain their highest level of health and flourish.

Understanding the Vision of Health for All

At its core, the vision of Health for All encompasses the belief that health is a fundamental human right and an essential prerequisite for social and economic development. Coined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978, this vision emphasizes the importance of primary healthcare as …

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Dry skin certainly interferes with appearance and self-confidence. Well, there are various ways to treat dry skin that you can try. Thus, you can achieve healthy and soft-looking skin.

Dry skin is characterized by a skin surface that is rough, cracked, and easily peeled off. This condition can be caused by various things, such as exposure to sunlight, the habit of taking too long a shower, to the use of skin care products that are not quite right.

Regardless of the cause, there are some tips for treating dry skin that you can try, namely:

1 Avoid bathing with water that is too hot

Warm baths are known to provide various benefits to the body. However, warm water can also remove natural oils that function to moisturize the skin.
Therefore, limit warm baths to about 5-10 minutes. After finishing bathing, dry your body using a soft towel by patting it …

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Thrush, swollen gums, bad breath, or cavities are some examples of poor oral and dental health. Poor oral and dental health can lead to various complications of dangerous diseases. Then how to maintain good oral and dental health?

Daily habits to maintain healthy teeth and mouth
Bacteria in the mouth that can be harmful are known as the oral microbiome. These bacteria live in the area of ​​​​the cheeks, tongue, palate, tonsils, and gums. If the oral environment is too acidic, moist, and dirty, disease-causing bacteria can thrive.

Not only in the mouth, bacteria can enter the bloodstream so that they can move to the heart, intestines, and brain. One of the harmful bacteria that can cause inflammation in the body is Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) which includes bacteria that cause gum problems.

A study conducted by the University of Louisville School of Medicine showed that the amount of Pg …

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Do you need to lose weight in a hurry? Whether you need to lose weight before a wedding or you want to start your diet off right, there are things you can do to lose weight fast.

However, losing weight too fast can trigger health issues. Therefore, it’s essential to lose weight at a rapid pace while staying safe and healthy. Avoid any dangerous activities and consult a nutritionist if you’re concerned about what you should do. 

Sometimes, seeing fast results on the scale is what you need to stick with a diet for longer. Once you see how good it feels to fit in your old jeans again, it gives you the motivation to keep losing weight and change your lifestyle.

Losing weight is never easy, but finding the right weight loss methods is crucial to your success. Here are ten proven tips to lose weight fast that you …

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Why a home paternity test? That is a question that many people ask themselves, and of course, that is understandable. A paternity test is not something you do every day, but it can be very important. It can be very annoying when a mother does not know who the father of her child is. Especially during a pregnancy, this can be very annoying and cause a lot of stress. This stress can cause complications during the pregnancy, and that is of course the last thing you want. Often there are two alleged fathers involved and this can also cause problems in your relationship with the father. It is important that there be clarity, and a home paternity test can help you achieve this. Do you want to know what a home paternity test is exactly? And what a sibling DNA test entails? In this article, we will elaborate on …

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Things you may have not thought of while you’re pregnant

Pregnancy is something beautiful. However, it can also be a turbulent time. There is so much changing. Not just your body, but also your whole life from now on. It can be stressful sometimes and because of this, it is understable that you do not think about everything. No worries, we will help you out!

The gender

First of all, you need to ask yourself the question ‘Do I want to know the gender of the baby?’. If this is the case, you can go to the hospital or get a DNA gender test. You can do this from 7 weeks of pregnancy with the most accurate baby gender tests. You can choose how and when you will do it yourself. Make sure to take the test properly for an accurate result.

Legal paternity test

There are situations in which a mother and a child can have paternity established. …

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A Health Insurance Policy To Protect You From Health And Financial Risks

Just like the pandemic hit unexpectedly, other unforeseen and unplanned medical circumstances can occur anytime. With an increase in medical costs, the importance of having health insurance cannot be overemphasised.

To have health insurance means an individual or family medical fee, surgical and medications are covered by an insurance company. In a situation where you get into an accident or fall ill, the insurance company comes in to cover any medical-related expenses. To be health insured, a certain amount is paid to the company, after which an agreement is signed by both parties.

British men and women like you talk about different policies on They often recommend the considerations of a reliable health insurance policy which covers a wide range of expenses from medical tests, consultation fees, hospitalisation expenses, and more to families.

To have prior understanding, here are five ways health insurance can protect you.

1. To

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5 foods high in antioxidants (and why you should eat them) - CNET

The question here is what are or isantioxidants? Antioxidants are compounds produced in the body and found in food, they help defend the cells in the body from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules described as free radicals. Now, when radicals accumulate in the body, it causes oxidative stress, which may lead to damage to the DNA and other important structures in the cell. You should visit review platforms like  to learn more.

Chronic oxidative stress can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes and cancer. But fortunately, eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help increase the blood antioxidant levels in helping stall off oxidative stress and the risk of these diseases.

Healthy food containing high antioxidants

Yes! You guessed right, organic food contains high antioxidants, sobuying the best organic product implies getting a sufficient number of antioxidants in …

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Asia Pacific Biotech News

Suggestions are proffered on a daily basis on how best to ensure efficient healthcare financing, and the discussion around this enjoys consistency because of the so important role it plays in the society.

Mortality rates are at an all-time high, and many are of the belief that at the core of the decay in the healthcare system is the unavailability of sufficient finances.

It however surpasses this, and it is the result of coming to this understanding that many have begun to advocate for a more sustainable means of healthcare financing. A sustainable healthcare system is one that is cost effective, with a high standard of quality being offered, and with the availability of enough money to cover the needs of the masses in the health system.

On Collected.Reviews, users have shared feedback as to their experiences with health financing. When exploring ways to ensure a sustainable healthcare …

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